we train you

"Business Coaching with Sports"

An innovative way to perform organisational development and create identity at the same time

Warum "Business Coaching with Sports"?

Advisory and coaching for executives and top management in combination with team or individual trainings

„Business Coaching With Sports“ als Bestandteil einer ganzheitlichen Organisationsentwicklung verstehen.

New challenges

Top executives who also pursue highly individualised sporting goals - to stay fit for the job - often lack the time to meet business and training demands.

In addition, it can be noticed that in many cases the demands of employees have changed; the younger generation in particular focuses more on work-life balance than on salary.

Our Business Coaching & Training Portfolio

An innovative way to actively accompany organisational change and at the same time create more identity for companies.
Selection from the product portfolio. Individual offers on request.

DOSB Trainer C-Lizenz Leistungssport

„Langfristig sind die Arbeitgeber gefordert sich etwas einfallen zu lassen, um Top-Führungskräfte zu motivieren sowie junge Talente zu gewinnen und zu halten!“

„War for talents“.

My services for your company:

  • Developing a sporting corporate culture
  • Team- und Erfolgserlebnisse generieren
  • Motivate people to tackle projects and challenges together
  • Promoting team spirit and identification
  • Making companies more attractive

  • DOSB Trainer C-Lizenz Leistungssport Triathlon NRWTV und
  • DOSB Trainer C-Lizenz Leistungssport Schwimmen DSV
Range of services

Our Business Coaching & Training Portfolio

An innovative way to actively accompany organisational change and at the same time create more identity for companies.
Selection from the product portfolio. Individual offers on request.


Business & Event

Within the company or with partner companies - as a team - set and achieve sporting goals together. 
Planning & Preparation
Training guidance
Moderation – Business – Talk
Media treatment

Preparing and accompanying a group of employees for an organised cycling or running event, e.g. from headquarters to headquarters or to the subsidiaries. 
Route planning, goals, initial preparations, material & training basics, instructions for short training sessions bike and run.

Location: after coordination
Duration: 2 -3 months

Business & sport

Within the company or with partner companies - as a team - set and achieve sporting goals together.
Planning & Preparation
Training guidance
Moderation – Business – Talk
Media treatment

Individual preparation and guidence of a group of employees for an organised competition, e.g. triathlon "Olympic or short distance".
Goals, theoretical basics, first preparations, material & training basics, instructions for short training sessions swimming, cycling and running.

Location: after coordination
Duration: 4-6 months

Business & Sport

Starting the sporting rhythm together. Definition of the business and sporting goals for the year, as a team.
max. 8 participants 

Assessment and goal setting for the team, definition and execution of suitable joint training sessions. A total of 5 guided training sessions of swimming, cycling and running. Additional technique and strength training, stretching with "business coaching".
Theory: Training basics for beginners and individual target interview.

Location: Wellness or sports hotel by arrangement
Duration: 2.5 days (25 hrs.)

Business & Individual

Individual start into the sporting rhythm, goals, theoretical basics, technique training. Individual training sessions and instruction in swimming, cycling and running with "business coaching" , feedback and outlook.

Individual assessment and defining of goals. Definition and execution of suitable individual training. Training units with a focus on swimming, cycling and running. Intensive technical and strength training. "Business coaching.
Theory: Advanced training concepts, periodisation and individual target interview.

Location: by arrangement
Duration: individual


Individual Coaching & Training

Get up – and reach out for your dreams!


Sport gallery

#Training - Teams - Successes - Challenges

Welche Ziele für 2022 verfolgen Sie oder Ihr Unternehmen?

Erfahrung: 41 Triathlon Wettkämpfe, davon 6 Lang- und 12 Mitteldistanzen
Ziele: Kailua-Kona – Hawaii fest im Blick!

Phone: +49 (0) 172 – 2971674
Email: office@cuerlis.de

Cürlis Organisation & Management GmbH
Römerstr. 6
41363 Jüchen