

"I understand the company organisation as an organism,
which is constantly evolving"


Organisational development and identity become more and more importance and move into the focus of society. Today, doing business means more than just being economically successful. Changing business conditions require future-oriented structures and business models.

Grown organisational structures

Environmental awareness, sustainability, employee satisfaction and retention of potential as well as transparency in social media have become significant success factors.

In einer sich permanent schneller ändernden Welt sind mehr denn je gewachsene und stabile anstatt konstruierter Organisationsstrukturen gefragt.

The change in top management from engineering to gardener thinking has begun.

My mission is to accompany this change in thinking and practice.

Cürlis Organisation & Management

Frank Cürlis

I will be happy to support and advise you

Entrepreneurially successful leader for innovative organisational developments, new corporate structures with the establishment and processing of new services and products in the (inter)national environment

Together we are always more successful!

We support organisational transformation

Common and clear objective setting and achievement in an atmosphere with a harmonious team and feeback culture.

Phone: +49 (0) 172 – 2971674

Cürlis Organisation & Management GmbH
Römerstr. 6
41363 Jüchen